So this was my idea. I’m going to do something like POTM but it’s more of llike a  Viewer of the Month but we will have a new one every other week. What you must do to become VOM is simple be kind caring and show your love of Webkinz! If you are VOM you wil get a Trophy a Gift Bag and they will be interviwed!So get commetning and YOU can be VIEWER OF THE MONTH!

This Week I’m giving the VOM Trophy to WEBKINZ LOVER. She has helped with this blog and she’s a great friend!

WL email me at bvastis@sbcglobal.net  to let me know  when I can interview you! I know WL is out of town so she wil be interviewed when she gets back.

15 Responses so far »

  1. 3

    Kayla said,

    Hello? Anybody Home?

  2. 5

    chimpy said,

    Hi Kyla. I am Naki’s next door neighbor.

  3. 6

    ♣jake980♠ said,

    hi I hope one day I will be one it would be fun and nice to see all of you today

  4. 7

    ♣jake980♠ said,

    naki I love the header I wish I had a blog

  5. 8

    Billy said,

    Cool blog naki!!! i like ur header!!! 😀

  6. 9

    momskinz said,

    Have you seen Gymbo’s lava contest? Go to this link to see:

  7. 10

    chimpy said,

    cool momskinz. That site was cool

  8. 11

    Will said,

    everyone thats heve click on this link 😀 http://www.thelamberts.com/webkinz_blog bye see you there

  9. 12

    webkinzmissy said,

    this is the first time i have been to this blog! it rocks!

  10. 13

    Gymboutiques said,

    I love that idea! Very creative guys!

  11. 14

    Janie said,

    Good idea to have a viewer of the month! It’s kinda like Groovydude’s Corny of the week! =]

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